The following terms only apply to freely available shows on the internet:
By successfully submitting a request for a review, either expedited or non-expedited, you give Michael L. Bergonzi and Audio Drama Reviews the non-exclusive rights to provide links to your show’s website and/or the following podcast platforms in all future ebooks with a price of 2.99 USD or above:
- Apple Podcasts
- Amazon Music/Audible
Links in these ebooks will correspond with the appropriate podcast platform. Apple iBooks with Apple Podcast, and Amazon’s Kindle and Kindle Reading apps with Amazon Music and Audible. This is purely to adhere to Amazon and Apple’s publishing guidelines. For example, publisher’s (Me) can’t post an Amazon URL in an Apple iBook or an Apple URL in a Kindle ebook.
The following terms apply to both free and paid productions:
Everything above is true, EXCEPT links for paid audio dramas will be to the show/episode’s web page instead of to the show/episode’s files or private RSS feed itself. Readers won’t get free access to these types of audio dramas.