Home » Big Dan Frater and the Escalator of Forgetfulness

This the first of five self-contained short audio dramas about a big man named Dan Frater, his side-kick and a librarian who solve mysteries together. If this sounds like Scooby-Doo, you’re not alone. Think the classic cartoon mixed together with a bit of old time radio and you pretty much have Big Dan Frater.

This first episode is mostly a comedy with some dramatic bits thrown in to keep it from becoming pure slapstick. In this episode, the mystery is about an escalator in a mall that makes people forget what they wanted to do once they reach the top. The ending, while not paying off anything the episode deems important to tell you, is in fact satisfying. I’d go so far as to call it surprising yet inevitable and something only a comedy can do.

Expect another episode reviewed next week and the weeks following. if this sounds like your cup of tea, check out the album on iTunes. It’s $7.99 and includes a blooper reel. Unfortunately only one episode is available for individual purchase and download on the iTunes store. Its title is “Sorry, Right Number.” Expect that review two weeks from now.

4.5/5 Stars

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