Home » The Cure

The Cure is a tale from Theater in your Mind productions. They are a relatively new group which shows potential. The story however doesn’t quite work. It was boring and you could tell what the twist at the end was going to be early on. Pretty sure it’s been done before. Add in the lackluster performances and the result is something easily forgotten. The acting isn’t bad, but nothing about it made it memorable.

If you couldn’t tell by the title or the episode’s description on iTunes. This story is a zombie apocalypse origin story where you learn where the zombies come from. The answer to the question is tied directly with the big reveal near the end. In terms of originality, I have to give them points. But as far as the execution goes there was a missed opportunity here. It was like the writer took the first and most obvious plot twist he came up with and rolled with it. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but when the rest of the story is bland you need to step up some other aspect of it. Otherwise you’re just another direct to blu-ray horror movie. And sadly that’s what this feels like.

3.5/5 Stars

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